Wednesday, May 31, 2023

2023 Beekeeping Season is in full swing!

 I seemed to have lost access to this blog for a while so you don't see much of anything from 2022, but I do have everything on my Facebook page

Last season ended with yellow jackets ravaging both hives and killing all the bees in the fall. So sad! My dad wanted to take a break for a season, but I couldn't let the yellow jackets win! 

This year we decided to go back to one colony and try starting with a "nuc." Nuc is short for nucleus...essentially you are getting the nucleus of a colony, a few frames, a laying queen and some workers. It's kindof like getting a head start on the bees, because we don't have to wait for the bees to accept the queen, check to see if she is laying eggs, etc. We got 4 frames that were already being worked by the bees, and just put them into our own hive body and filled it up with more frames.

So far they are doing great!

Here is a movie of everything we've done in the month of May so far!

A few photos from this month...

Capped brood on May 31

eggs on May 31

Larvae on May 31