Sunday, April 8, 2018

My Latest Project: Honeybee Painting!

Last month I was lying in bed about to fall asleep and this idea came to me for a painting. I wanted to get one of my dad's old, wood frames (he wants to replace them with fresh, plastic ones, but I think they are COOL and they have his name "P.T.Bee" branded in them), and create a painting of a frame of bees that is framed INSIDE a real frame.

Well, it took no more than a text to Dad and next time I saw him he not only had a frame for me, but a piece of masonite cut to fit!

I used a iridescent white paint for the wings which I think added a cool effect...the wings catch the light just like the real thing!

 Here are a few progress pics...

We missed the deadline to order a new package of bees this year, but I'm so glad we did! Right now the lake is still frozen, ground is completely covered in snow and it's snowing more. Those who ordered bees from our regular source picked them up yesterday, and will now have to keep them indoors until the weather warms up, hoping they don't all die! :-( So, we will be trying a nuc instead this year, which usually are ready early the meantime, the bees are hopefully enjoying their sugar syrup and pollen patties! We'll check in again once April feels more like April!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. This turned out great! And your progress photos are great to see too! Nice blog post! 🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝
