Monday, November 27, 2017

The Costs of Beekeeping

Just for fun, I've been keeping track of every expense I've had so far in this new beekeeping hobby! Now I don't have nearly as many expenses as someone starting from scratch, because I've been able to utilize all of my dad's equipment, including his boxes, frames, feeder pails, smoker fuel, extracting tools, etc etc etc...  So, this is by no means an accurate estimate for what it will cost to start up an operation from scratch! But, I love being organized and find it interesting keeping track of stuff like this.

Also, I've spent money on things not required to get into beekeeping, stocking up on herbs, tools and containers required to turn the beeswax into things like balms, salves, candles, etc.  Here's where I'm at so far for expenses alone, not including my dad's investment in bees last year and equipment over his decades in beekeeping...

2016 - First Season (2 colonies):

$0.00 - Bees - My dad bought the bees this year!
$165.33 - Education - Beekeeping class at the U of M, and a couple books
$165.54 - Equipment - My own smoker, gloves, suit, & hive tool, and oxalic acid & vaporizer
$175.27 - Beeswax Products - Supplies & herbs for balms & candles

Total: $506.14 spent. I believe we extracted around 36 pounds of honey total?

2017 - Second Season (2 new colonies):

$257.10 - Bees - Two 2 lb packages
$110.00 - Education - Beekeeping 2nd year class at the U of M
$205.51 - Equipment - More frames, uncapping fork, refractometer, mite kit, winter patties, etc
$550.29 - Beeswax Products - Supplies, herbs, containers for balms and new salves

Total: $1,122.90 spent. We extracted around 124 pounds this year!

Keeping our fingers crossed that we won't have the expense of 2 new packages of bees next spring...hopefully they'll make it through winter and we can split some hives next year!

There are a few things I forgot to add like sugar for syrup, lighters for the smoker, and olive oil for balms, but this is all pretty close. Once you add in the priceless time spent with my dad out in the fields tending to the bees, you can see why we find our honey to be so precious! :-)

Now how is this honey parceled out? My dad and I split it up...first we give a good chunk to my friends who generously allow us to keep our bees on their property and show up into their yard every week all summer long! Last year what liquid gold was left I hoarded in our house to enjoy personally! ;-) My boys have become pretty accustomed to having honey on Ritz crackers every day as an after school snack, haha! And my 2nd grader's lunch of choice is a peanut butter & honey sandwich he brings to school every day! ;-)

This year I'm loosening my grip just a tad since we got a lot more, planning to give a little sampling to some family and friends as Christmas gifts, and maybe...just maybe...sell a little bit. But we'll see once I get my gifts together. ;-)

Thank you for sharing my fascination with bees by reading my blog! Stay tuned for some new beeswax products coming to the site you can see I've invested more this year in acquiring herbs needed to create a couple more products!

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